Improving the health and wellbeing of mothers, infants and children is an important global public health goal (WHO, 2013). Their wellbeing determines the health of the next generation and can help predict future of public health challenges for families, communities, and the health care system (WHO, 2015). Therefore, research, policies and strategies in this topic have been conducted and promoted in order to achieve the goal. Indonesia, a country with complex issues on maternal, child and family health and wellbeing also has been concerning on problem solving i.e. reducing maternal and child health mortality and morbidity and improving maternal and child health through implementing programmes based on the latest evidence.
‘Aisyiyah University of Yogyakarta (UNISA) is a rising university in in Yogyakarta Indonesia with vision to be “Health Literate University based on Islamic Values”. The university has been developed under the umbrella of ‘Aisyiyah, women section of Muhammadiyah modernist Islamic Organisation. As UNISA initially was health sciences colleges, health topic matters being grounded as one of the topic we are really focused in, involved maternal, child and family health. In relation to that, UNISA has been implanting efforts to advancing sustainable development and addressing gaps related to maternal, child and family wellbeing through providing a high quality education for prospective healthcare professionals. One of the efforts is building working atmosphere in supporting research activities including research publication in the topic matters. It needs to be highlighted that research activity is crucial to improve maternal, child and family wellbeing because it enables academicians and practitioners to explore issues and provide evidence for those who concerning for in either national or international level.
Based on explanation above, in 2016 UNISA will organise a conference and workshop in Research and Publication in collaboration with University of Leeds with theme entitles Strengthening Maternal, Child and Family Wellbeing through Bridging Research and Practice. UNISA expect that this forum will be beneficial for academicians, researchers, professionals and students to improve the quality of their research and publications.