Call for Paper

  • Abstract Guideline (for Oral and Poster Presentations) :
  • There are two presentation types offered: oral and poster presentations. Abstract submitters will have to choose which presentation type they wish. Both oral and poster presentations are classified as either primarily research based or primarily sharing practice based. Oral and poster submitters must indicate if they are submitting a research or sharing practice abstract.

    Oral presentations can be on any topic relevant to the congress themes. Those requesting an oral presentation will also be asked if they would be willing to accept a poster presentation should the committee not be able to offer them an oral. Oral abstracts should be 300 words or less, not including authors or title.

    Poster presentations are visual displays of material to be presented and constitute an interactive and communicative medium, usually combining text and graphics information. Posters may be on any topic relevant to the congress themes. Poster abstracts should be 300 words or less not including authors or title.

  • Template for abstract
  • Abstract for research must address:

    1. The purpose
    2. The methods
    3. The findings
    4. The application to elevate women, child and family health and wellbeing

    Abstract for sharing practice must address:

    1. The purpose
    2. Discussion
    3. The application to elevate women, child and family health and wellbeing
    4. Evidence if relevant